For the love of heaven, stop snowing!

(Make mine mod! Pucci dress from a mid 60s Vogue pattern.)
It's March first, already--here in the Great Lakes, that's also known as "mid-winter." My Seasonal Affective Disorder is morphing into Seasonal Stark-Raving Madness, but that's another story for another time...
Actually, there's a bit of a lull in general. The marathon OTWA Wagglepop thread has, understandably, wound down; "Jeff Gannon" (the wannabe Monica/Christine of the '00s) has started a reportedly unintentionally funny blog. (Haven't been there, and not gonna link to it--but you can use the intuitive URL if you're curious. There is a parody "not 'Jeff Gannon' blog" that I did hit, and it's intentionally hilarious--all the more so when you consider that it predates the real thing.)
And as for retro stops, I did find one cool "how did I miss this" site while I was searching for TV flotsam last week--Mark Little's MyThemes.TV is a vast collection of TV theme songs and a number of vintage promos and commercials, in Real and mp3 format. Some of the tunes are quite obscure! The note on how his collection came to be is fun, too:
In 1972, when I was 13 years old, my parents gave me $25 as a Christmas gift. With that money, I went to the local K-Mart and bought my first shoebox-style cassette tape recorder and a pack of three blank cassettes. I decided to use this newfound technology (well, new to ME, anyway) to begin what has become a lifelong quest to record the theme of every national television show that has ever existed.Check it out, and pack a lunch--you might be there a while...
The gorgeous mod Pucci dress is part of a great stash of vintage Vogue patterns I found last week--shameless plug alert--they're on eBay, with more on the way.
Stay safe in this infernal (maybe not the right word?) snow!
You mention that james leroy died of cancer! He did not! He commited suicide in Ottawa!
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